Class ShellUtils

Windows specific shell utility functions

public static class ShellUtils : object

Class Members



Executes a Windows Command Line using Shell Execute as a single command line with parameters. This method handles parsing out the executable from the parameters.

public static void ExecuteCommandLine(string fullCommandLine,     string workingFolder,     int waitForExitMs,     string verb,     ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle)


Executes a Windows process with given command line parameters

public static int ExecuteProcess(string executable,     string arguments,     int timeoutMs,     ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle)

public static int ExecuteProcess(string executable,     string arguments,     int timeoutMs,     ref StringBuilder output,     ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle)

public static int ExecuteProcess(string executable,     string arguments,     int timeoutMs,     Action writeDelegate,     ProcessWindowStyle windowStyle)


Uses the Shell Extensions to launch a program based on URL moniker or file name Basically a wrapper around ShellExecute

public static int GoUrl(string url,     string workingFolder)


Simple method to retrieve HTTP content from the Web quickly

public static string HttpGet(string url)

public static string HttpGet(string url,     ref string errorMessage)


Retrieves a buffer of binary data from a URL using a plain HTTP Get.

public static Byte[] HttpGetBytes(string url)

public static Byte[] HttpGetBytes(string url,     ref string errorMessage)


Opens a File or Folder in Explorer. If the path is a file Explorer is opened in the parent folder with the file selected

public static void OpenFileInExplorer(string filename)


Opens a Terminal window in the specified folder

public static bool OpenTerminal(string folder,     TerminalModes mode)


Opens a URL in the browser. This version is specific to opening a URL in a browser and it's cross platform enabled.

public static bool OpenUrl(string url)


Wrapper around the Shell Execute API. Windows specific.

public static int ShellExecute(string url,     string arguments,     string workingFolder,     string verb)


Shows a string as HTML

public static int ShowHtml(string htmlString)


Displays a string in in a browser as HTML. Optionally provide an alternate extension to display in the appropriate text viewer (ie. "txt" likely shows in NotePad)

public static int ShowString(string text,     string extension)


Displays a large Text string as a text file in the systems' default text viewer (ie. NotePad)

public static int ShowText(string TextString)


Namespace: Westwind.Utilities
Assembly: westwind.utilities.dll

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2020 • Updated: 07/15/20
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