Class SerializationUtils
public static class SerializationUtils : object

Class Members



Deserializes an object from file and returns a reference.

public static object DeSerializeObject(string fileName,     Type objectType,     bool binarySerialization)

public static object DeSerializeObject(string fileName,     Type objectType,     bool binarySerialization,     bool throwExceptions)

public static object DeSerializeObject(XmlReader reader,     Type objectType)

public static object DeSerializeObject(string xml,     Type objectType)

public static object DeSerializeObject(Byte[] buffer,     Type objectType,     bool throwExceptions)


Returns a string of all the field value pairs of a given object. Works only on non-statics.

public static string ObjectToString(object instanc,     string separator,     ObjectToStringTypes type)


Serializes an object instance to a file.

public static bool SerializeObject(object instance,     string fileName,     bool binarySerialization)

public static bool SerializeObject(object instance,     XmlTextWriter writer,     bool throwExceptions)

public static bool SerializeObject(object instance,     ref string xmlResultString)

public static bool SerializeObject(object instance,     ref string xmlResultString,     bool throwExceptions)

public static bool SerializeObject(object instance,     ref Byte[] resultBuffer,     bool throwExceptions)


public static Byte[] SerializeObjectToByteArray(object instance,     bool throwExceptions)


Serializes an object to an XML string. Unlike the other SerializeObject overloads this methods returns a string rather than a bool result!

public static string SerializeObjectToString(object instance,     bool throwExceptions)


Namespace: Westwind.Utilities
Assembly: westwind.utilities.dll

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2020 • Updated: 07/15/20
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