Class HttpUtils

Simple HTTP request helper to let you retrieve data from a Web server and convert it to something useful.

public static class HttpUtils : object

Class Members



public static string DownloadImageToFile(string imageUrl,     string filename,     HttpRequestSettings settings)


public static Task DownloadImageToFileAsync(string imageUrl,     string filename,     HttpRequestSettings settings)


Retrieves bytes from the server without any request customizations

public static Byte[] HttpRequestBytes(string url)

public static Byte[] HttpRequestBytes(HttpRequestSettings settings)


Retrieves bytes from the server without any request customizations

public static Task<Byte[]> HttpRequestBytesAsync(string url)

public static Task<Byte[]> HttpRequestBytesAsync(HttpRequestSettings settings)


Retrieves and Http request and returns data as a string.

public static string HttpRequestString(string url)

public static string HttpRequestString(HttpRequestSettings settings)


Retrieves and Http request and returns data as a string.

public static Task HttpRequestStringAsync(string url)

public static Task HttpRequestStringAsync(HttpRequestSettings settings)


Makes an HTTP with option JSON data serialized from an object and parses the result from JSON back into an object. Assumes that the service returns a JSON response

public static TResultType JsonRequest(HttpRequestSettings settings)


Makes an HTTP with option JSON data serialized from an object and parses the result from JSON back into an object. Assumes that the service returns a JSON response and that any data sent is json.

public static Task JsonRequestAsync(HttpRequestSettings settings)


Namespace: Westwind.Utilities
Assembly: westwind.utilities.dll

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2020 • Updated: 07/15/20
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